CILS B1 Citizenship Exam Preparation Course
To apply for Italian citizenship it is now necessary to obtain a B1 (intermediate) level certificate of knowledge of the Italian language.
The CILS B1 Citizenship Exam is officially recognised as a certification of competence of the Italian language which can be used when applying for citizenship.
One World is an official exam centre for all the CILS exams and you can rely on our experience to learn how this exam works and avoid wasting time and money doing the exam without the right preparation.
It also includes an audio and video guide to the exam which will tell you all about the practical side of the exam, including how to enrol, how to fill in the answer grids (with a dot not a cross) and lots more.
Dates: 25, 26, 27, 28 November 2024
Time: 5 to 6 pm Italian time
Number of lessons: 4 live lessons + audio and video exam guide
Don't have a B1 level yet? Do a course tailor-made for you to reach the level required for the exam as fast as possible. Click here.
Course programme
Lesson 1: Presentation of exam, listening test simulation, analysis of errors.
Lesson 2: Reading test simulation, grammar review, analysis of errors.
Lesson 3: Writing test simulation, analysis of errors.
Lesson 4: Speaking test simulation.
Informazioni generali
Come iscriversi
Il giorno dell’esame
Struttura dell’esame
Durante l’esame…
Il foglio delle risposte
Quaderno del candidato
Vediamo insieme le prove
Consigli utili
La prova orale
Nota bene
I risultati dell’esame
Foglio di identificazione

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